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 A Few Words From And About The Author.

J. G. Wolthuizen

I have no interest in what is happening at the quantum level
or to other versions of me in a multi-verse
because I don’t live there.

Too often the pursuit of higher concepts leads to neglect of the basics.

If we do not master THE LAW that is creating our experience
on this level of reality consumerism will eventually render our planet uninhabitable.
If that occurs all knowledge gained by our species will be irrelevant.

My whole life I have been obsessed with the idea that...

If the entire universe is energy,
and matter is simply concentrated energy
than The Law governing energy
must be governing everything.

The pursuit of this idea took me on a twenty year journey
to try and find out what that LAW is.

In ancient times every culture believed that,
if the universe comes from nothing,
before any manifest thing can appear, a First Principle,
sometimes called The Absolute,
must exist from which everything is manifest.

The First Principle, also known as The Causeless Cause,
is The Common Human Experience.

Seniorthinktank.ca is the group I founded to explore this phenomena.
What we have found and believe to be true,
is that The First Principle is in fact
an expanded understanding of Ohm's Law Of Resistance.

The information presented here was arrived at through meditation.
Earlier drafts of the information on this site were written
through stream of consciousness while in a deep meditative state.

After each session a period of study and research was done.
This was the process used to explore, rewrite and clarify
the ideas bestowed in the state of mental stillness.

Do not be overwhelmed by the images or the symbols used.

The goal of this work is to get you one step closer to
Realizing Your Potential.
I hope you will allow me to take you step-by-step through the process
of how The First Principle functions and influences.

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